Update Styling/Branding
Let's start adding your church's style to your Faithmade website! In this tutorial we will go over updating your sites main color scheme.
Before you jump in we recommend getting a few things ready to make this super smooth.
- Gather the color codes your church uses. If you have a branding guide, awesome! If you don't here is a great tool to test a few out. This will make it quick and easy to copy and paste those color codes in where they need to go.
- Next, pay attention to how the color scheme on the site you chose is set up. We are meticulous in how we approach colors. Replacing our colors in the same kind of order with yours will go a long way in making it look great!
- For your light color we recommend a shade of gray. The light color is used to break up the white space on our sites usually, and serves as our light button background color.
- For your dark color, try to choose a color that that will contrast your light color. We often use the dark color as a background and the light color as a text color in our sites.
- For your overlays, as a starting point, we suggest pasting in your dark or light color for the dark and light overlays, and then using the transparency slider to achieve the look you want without compromising the readability of text.