Add a New Event
Adding events to your website takes a few minutes. Bonus: They look great. No more drab calendar views that look ugly. We let you showcase your events in style all without being overwhelming to manage.
- Don't add your Sunday Service or Youth Service to your events list. Every week events quickly clutter up your calendar. The only 'every week' type of events we'd recommend adding are you Growth Track type events.
- If you're on the Plus plan you get access to recurring events. This is a great way to handle events like Growth Track 101 on the first Sunday of each month after service. :) Just like George Foreman, set it and forget it. In addition to websites, we also like Dad jokes.
- Stock photos are okay for events y'all. You don't always have to have church photos for events. Use tools like Unsplash and Pexels to find the Pixel Perfect image for that Memorial Day cookout instead.
- Use the Event Extras to further customize how events display.
Speaking of Event Extras...
We have several 'filters' built just for churches to help you display your events how you want.
- Show End Date - By default we only show the start date, because that's usually what you're going to want in church world. But if you have a multi-day youth camp or conference coming up, just tick 'show end date' to show both the start and end dates for your event.
- Show End Time - Same principle. Most people won't need to know the end time for your night of worship right? But if you have a fall festival or a date night it's probably a good idea to show the start and end times together.
- Hide All Times - There are tons of times (especially for multi-day events) where you don't need to communicate any times. You just need people to know the mission trip to Kenya is from July 6-14. Sometimes, in cases like that, it's helpful to just hide the times instead of putting a random 8AM as the start time.
- Featured Event - Don't tell Karen and her cleaning ministry potluck, but we all know not every event is created equal. So when you check Featured Event you give this event prime real estate on your home page. We only show two featured events at a time so people have less options. Don't worry, if you don't have any featured events selected, the areas that highlight them disappear to visitors.
- After Service - We have stuff like this ALL THE TIME right?! You don't want to put a hard time, because God forbid people complain about it starting late when service goes long. Just check 'After Service' and the times will change to say 'This event happens after service.' If you have multiple services, let us know! We can change your site to say something like 'after each service' or 'after the last service.'